How to consider biodegradation for your packaging?

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Episode #04: Podcast Show Notes


Do you know the difference between bio-based, biodegradable, and compostable packaging? When does it make sense to choose compostable packaging instead of recyclable packaging? Is there a label to communicate to customers what to do when they don't need their packaging anymore? 

That’s a sample of what Love-Ese Chile, Doctor in Chemistry, will address in this episode. As the founder and technical director of Regenerative Waste Labs, she is testing the biodegradation of companies’ products on multiple levels. And as the principal consultant at Grey to Green Sustainable Solutions, she is supporting innovations and advising on biobased materials available on the market. 

Ese's recommended resources for you, our audience

Where to find Ese and what she is doing

Little notes

1) About organics recovery processes mentioned:

  • The end product of the ‘Anaerobic Digestion’ is biogas and anaerobic sludge which is different from the ‘Industrial Compost’ creating a medium to high-quality compost. These two processes are managed by municipalities and private companies in Canada and work under well-managed temperature and moisture. 

  • While ‘Home Compost’ usually produces compost in a variable environment managed by individuals.

2) Not 100% sure to understand what 'closing the loop’ means? Listen to Episode #02: The ‘Redesign Reuse Recover’ strategy to catalyze your packaging impact.

About Love-Ese Chile from Grey to Green Sustainable Solutions


Dr. Love-Ese Chile obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the University of British Columbia in 2017. She is a Founder and Technical Director of Regenerative Waste Labs and Principal Consultant at Grey to Green Sustainable Solutions.

Dr. Chile is a person who comes from diverse backgrounds both personally and professionally, and she is driven to connect people who may not usually come together in order to co-create products and services that will lead our communities into a greener and more equitable future.

Dr. Chiles' interests lie at the intersection of the circular economy, bioeconomy, green chemistry and sustainable science. She has taken her scientific training into industry and is passionate about communicating and translating her knowledge into new ventures and initiatives that will add value to our communities.

Podcast music

Special thanks to Joachim Regout who made the jingle. Have a look at his work here.

I am happy to bring a sample of our strong bonds on these sound waves. Since I was a child, he made me discover a wide range of music of all kinds. I am also delighted he is a nature lover and shares the Look4Loops 'out of the box philosophy'. He is an inspiring source of creativity for me.