Episode #51: [Certifications Spotlight Audio Clip 4] Reuse logo for bottles and more
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Episode #51: Podcast Show Notes
Have you ever wondered how to determine if a bottle is truly reusable? And if it is, what steps need to be taken both upstream and downstream to transform this concept into a practical reality? The significance of a Reuse logo extends beyond just the consumer – it holds relevance for producers, stores, collectors, and washing companies alike. Join us in exploring the reasons behind the necessity of a Reuse logo.
The “Reuse logo for bottles and more” is the 4th audio clip of the “Certifications Spotlight: Truths and Traps” series. Like the others, it unravels the mysteries behind one of the logos you find on the packaging. Let’s equip you with knowledge and critical thinking to decipher:
its meaning,
its application,
its grey areas,
and its pros and cons.
Spoiler alert: this one is still a young logo and fairly positive!
Here are the recommended resources
The website of Réseau Vrac et Réemploi (fusion between Réseau Vrac and Réseau Consigne): https://reseauvracetreemploi.org/
The website of ALPES CONSIGNE : https://alpesconsigne.fr/
The source to find members of France Consigne and the map of this national association which allows you to know where to return containers identified as reusable thanks to the logo: https://franceconsigne.fr/
The sources to find shops that collect reusable packages: https://www.reseauconsigne.com/cartographie/
The communication agency Atelier Kaboom: https://atelier-kaboom.com/
Previous episodes mentioned:
Episode 46: “Water-free tablets and reusable bottles: Rethinking product and packaging pairing” with Frédérique Drouin of Myni: https://www.look4loops.com/packaging-podcast/ep46-non-toxic-products-water-free-tablet-reusable-bottles
Episode 10: “A low-tech deposit system to expand zero-waste food businesses” with Marie Jemine of L’Empoteuse: https://www.look4loops.com/packaging-podcast/ep10-low-tech-deposit
Episode 8: “Ready to rock with zero-waste office canteens?” with Jérémie Lambin of Freddy met Curry: https://www.look4loops.com/packaging-podcast/ep08-zero-waste-office-canteens
Episode 50: “From single-use to reuse: Shaping the era of refillable packaging, starting with personal care products” with Jo-Anne Chidley of Beauty Kitchen and Reposit: https://www.look4loops.com/packaging-podcast/ep50-single-use-reuse-refill-returns-service-cosmetics
Episode 36: The bulk: How to free products and consumers from the packaging? with Célia Rennesson of Réseau Vrac & Elsa Bortuzzo of Yokoumi: https://www.look4loops.com/packaging-podcast/ep36-bulk-network-packaging-free-products-consumers
Le Fourgon (a delivery system of returned drinks at home): https://www.lefourgon.com/
The website of the New European Reuse Alliance (New ERA): https://www.newreusealliance.eu/
The AGEC law: La loi anti-gaspillage pour une économie circulaire: https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/loi-anti-gaspillage-economie-circulaire
CITEO: https://www.citeo.com/
The old 5 stars bottles for reuse: https://www.luckyfind.fr/annonces/122136-lot-12-bouteilles-a-etoile-annees-650-70
Article about Coca-Cola choices (Cash investigation from 2018): https://www.zerowastefrance.org/cash-investigation-sur-le-plastique-notre-decryptage/
Where to find Cécile Forgue?
Her LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/Cécile-forgue-763a6b69/
About Cécile Forgue from ALPES CONSIGNE
With her academic background as an engineer and her personal goal to reduce packaging waste, Cécile Forgue decided in 2019 to work on developing a reuse system, convinced that glass packaging can have a much better impact on the environment than currently with the recycling system they have in France. Therefore she joined a citizen movement around this topic and co-founded ALPES CONSIGNE in 2020. She is now really glad to see the reuse system grow and to notice that even eco-organisms seem to get into working order to make reuse a reality and the norms for the upcoming years. Packaging reuse has become a reality in the past few years in France and has beautiful days forward.
Podcast music
Special thanks to Joachim Regout who made the jingle. Have a look at his work here.
I am happy to bring a sample of our strong bonds on these sound waves. Since I was a child, he made me discover a wide range of music of all kinds. I am also delighted he is a nature lover and shares the Look4Loops 'out of the box philosophy'. He is an inspiring source of creativity for me.