Episode #35: [Wild Waste Audio Clip 2] The Aluminium

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Episode #35: Podcast Show Notes


Our series of «Wild W[a]st.e» audio clips continues to help you survive and thrive in the packaging Wild West.

This time, Mr & Mrs Recycling captured aluminium packaging material for you!

Listen to the «wanted» lobbyists' arguments we have turned in: Is aluminium really

  • infinitely recyclable,

  • permanent,

  • saving raw materials,

  • and sustainable?

Once again, the reward is worth it millions of dollars with

  • unbiased technical vulgarization,

  • tips,

  • and examples.

Prick up your ears upon the approach of the next Wild Waste audio clip in one month.

Here are the resources mentioned in this episode

Where to find Lise, Enzo, and M. & Mme Recyclage?

About Lise Nicolas and Enzo Muttini from M. & Mme Recyclage

Lise and Enzo are both French engineers from the Polytech School of Paris-Saclay University.

They started their recycling careers at Miniwiz in Asia by building the Trashpresso, the first mobile and autonomous plastics recycling unit. While working in the same company, they also created an Opensource Material Database.

Nowadays, they lead an engineering office: M. & Mme Recyclage, which is specialized in materials impact and recycling issues. They are on a mission to vulgarize their knowledge and challenges related to this industry thanks to free-of-access data, infographics, and videos. Their activator and educative initiatives are largely recognized and followed. They have been recognized as National Geographic Green Heroes in 2019. Selected by the foundation pour la Nature et l’Homme in 2020 and awarded by Emballage Magazine in 2021. Last but not least, this year Lise has been selected for the European year of Youth.

They are also wearing other professional hats such as independent researchers, lecturers, as well as founders of Precious Plastic France.

Podcast music

Special thanks to Joachim Regout who made the jingle. Have a look at his work here.

I am happy to bring a sample of our strong bonds on these sound waves. Since I was a child, he made me discover a wide range of music of all kinds. I am also delighted he is a nature lover and shares the Look4Loops 'out of the box philosophy'. He is an inspiring source of creativity for me.

Colienne Regout