Episode #16: The evergreen advice about packaging end-of-life

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Episode #16: Podcast Show Notes


Packaging end-of-life! This is actually one of the common threads across several episodes broadcasted in 2021. 

Yes, soon or ideally later, your packaging will reach the point of not being utilizable anymore. How to ensure that it would be able to reach the recycling or composting industry? 

This episode is the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on the insight brought by 5 of the Unboxing Your Packaging podcast guests. There is nothing as precious as bringing various experiences together. So, here is a mix of the evergreen advice from Louise Schwarz, Love-Ese Chile, David Katz, Charlotte De Vroey, and Hélène Piette!

The 6 episodes mentioned in this episode

About Colienne Regout from Look4Loops

Businesses lead the way! As a true believer, Colienne Regout makes you rethink your packaging so you can adapt to future markets and spot business opportunities. Colienne helps organizations to improve their economic, social, and ecological impacts in Europe and Canada by optimizing the use of their resources and designing out the concept of waste. She started with facilitating Corporate Social Responsibility and with implementing Sharing Economy initiatives. As the founder of Look4Loops, she is now using the Circular Economy to enhance processes from the beginning until the end of their life cycles. 

Besides operating changes in the field, education is a big part of what Colienne does: She is the host of this podcast, she created the ‘Develop Circular Packaging Solutions’ training, she sub-teaches at BCIT and she also facilitates workshops and serious games about climate change and the circular economy.  

As a Circulab certified consultant, she benefits from shared knowledge and co-developed tools thanks to a community of over seventy worldwide colleagues.

Podcast music

Special thanks to Joachim Regout who made the jingle. Have a look at his work here.

I am happy to bring a sample of our strong bonds on these sound waves. Since I was a child, he made me discover a wide range of music of all kinds. I am also delighted he is a nature lover and shares the Look4Loops 'out of the box philosophy'. He is an inspiring source of creativity for me.

Colienne Regout