Episode #10: A low-tech deposit system to expand zero-waste food businesses

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Episode #10: Podcast Show Notes


Have you ever thought about how to make a zero-waste lifestyle easier for yourself or for your food business? With her standardized containers and her low-tech deposit system, Marie has figured that out! 

She created L’Empoteuse covering 3 business models in 1. At one point or another, you are part of this!

I loved how she shared with ease and humor her advanced market research, her challenges, and her quest for the best impactful solution. Be ready to learn about 

  • the importance of labels,

  • a bunch of numbers demonstrating at what conditions glass jars are eco-friendly,

  • and the cleaning process and distribution logistics… and some dreams about it!

Where to find Marie and L’Empoteuse

Marie's recommended resource for you, our audience

  • «From What Is to What If», a book by Rob Hopkins.

Little notes

Follow Marie on her coming initiatives empowered by her virtuous network:

  • A zero-waste network in collaboration with Sylvie Droulans of Zero Carabistouille.

  • L'Embibineuse, a bottle project.

  • Her support to the future cooperative logistics platform, LogCica.

About Marie Jemine from L’Empoteuse

Marie Jemine is an entrepreneur committed to zero waste. She studied translation and worked as a Supply Chain Manager for a few years before she had her baby.

Then when he was born, she realized very suddenly that he might never make it out of college or get married, due to climate change. The IPCC reports became reality when she transposed the dates on her child's timeline, and it became urgent for her to take action.

She started reducing her waste and carbon footprint, and it became clear to her that, no matter how seducing and fulfilling was the zero-waste lifestyle, preparing food containers every morning was quite challenging for two parents working full time.

Somehow, she had to come up with a system that would make the food containers appear in the shop or restaurant when she had forgotten them. And that's how she created l'Empoteuse, a zero-waste packaging solution for food businesses in Belgium. It is addressed to restaurants, zero-waste and organic grocery stores, and local producers. Today, L’Empoteuse continues to expand in Belgium.

Podcast music

Special thanks to Joachim Regout who made the jingle. Have a look at his work here.

I am happy to bring a sample of our strong bonds on these sound waves. Since I was a child, he made me discover a wide range of music of all kinds. I am also delighted he is a nature lover and shares the Look4Loops 'out of the box philosophy'. He is an inspiring source of creativity for me.

Colienne Regout